I LOVE numbers...
they don't lie.
they don't lie.
Alfred Edersheim was a teacher of languages and Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint. (An ancient Koine Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible-Translated between 300-200BC)
He said there were 456 messianic passages in Scripture, supported by more than 558 references from the most ancient rabbinical writings. Many of these prophetic passages are repetitive, and some are obscure. However, there are at least 109 seperate and destinct prophecies the Messiah must fulfill.
The probablility of even 20 of the 109 prophecies being fulfilled in one man- odds would be of one in one quadrillion, one hundred and twenty-five trillion (try that on for the nations deficit...lol)
I read an example that I will plug myself into...
Out of the billions of people who populate this planet, you can put a postcard in the mail with just a few distinctions on it, and I will be the only person to receive it. You eliminate much of the world when you send it to the United States. You narrow it more when it comes to Mississippi. Even further, when it travels to Jackson. You cut the potential recipients even more when it goes to a certain street, a certain house number. And then,with my first and last name on it, you have singled me out of billions. That, is
Out of the billions of people who populate this planet, you can put a postcard in the mail with just a few distinctions on it, and I will be the only person to receive it. You eliminate much of the world when you send it to the United States. You narrow it more when it comes to Mississippi. Even further, when it travels to Jackson. You cut the potential recipients even more when it goes to a certain street, a certain house number. And then,with my first and last name on it, you have singled me out of billions. That, is
what the prophesies of the Messiah do. they eliminate, eliminate, eliminate, eliminate, until only ONE person could ever fulfill them.
and Jesus didn't just fulfill 20... (1 in a 1,125,000,000,000,000 odds) He fulfilled them ALL! Read here for more http://jesus-is-lord.com/messiah.htm
#worthyisthelamb #latenightstudy #ilovemylife #happygirljj#thankyoufortheblood #studyandshowyourselfapproved#faithcomesbyhearing #inallthygettinggetanunderstanding
#worthyisthelamb #latenightstudy #ilovemylife #happygirljj#thankyoufortheblood #studyandshowyourselfapproved#faithcomesbyhearing #inallthygettinggetanunderstanding
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