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In 2003, I lost my mother, Faith, to cancer. In 2 year old son, Zion-Paul, also to cancer-brought on by immunizations.
Many say that the thing that causes us the greatest pain...typically, is the thing that we are the most passionate about. Well...holistic health awareness is definitely at the top of my list, as well as erradicating poverty (I've been there) and becoming a happy/whole person (I'm diligently working at this as well).
In addition to being a recording artist, I have become a consultant for a holistic product company, Arbonne. It actually takes all of my passions and rolls them into one...Arbonne is where holistic health and wellness (becoming a whole and happy person), online shopping, and business ownership (wealth building) intersect. For me, it's a dream come true.
I know, I know...people don't like to feel pressured into purchasing stuff-we roll our eyes when we see the salesman coming, and immediately feel our pockets and purses being threatened. Chill out...I won't be hunting you down...however, I do stand 100 percent behind my company and our products! They really speak for themselves. They are REALLY changing lives! (Physically, emotionally, mentally, and FINANCIALLY)
Its easy to ignore making changes when we are healthy. But, what happens when sickness hits us like a ton of bricks, and our very lives are threatened, because of our nutritional, health product, and lifestyle choices. Why wait til then when you can simply change your brand (the stuff you buy and use everyday, anyway) and change your life!!!
People are beating diseases EVERYDAY and GETTING OFF OF POISONOUS MEDICATIONS by changing their diet, and the health and beauty products that they use daily.
It's amazing that I work side by side with doctors, attorneys, entertainers, MUA's, accountants, investors, bankers, homemakers- literally people from all walks of life-that fully believe in our vegan certified products...and many (more than you would imagine) have RETIRED from their lucrative jobs because Arbonne REPLACED and EXCEEDED thier incomes. There's no greater feeling than empowering people to be well and prosper!
Please join me on my new health and wellness facebook page below. And also visit my website: and see why I told Arbonne to count me in!!


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