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Those Bloody Blood Moons: What Does it All Mean? there are many jokes, memes, snide comments, etc. referring to the idea that Jesus was supposed to be coming back last night because of the solar eclipse...(blood moon). That was NOT what was media irks my nerves. We see it on facebook, and just run with it!
Im not sure that we really care what the truth is. Do we bother to even search for it? Or is it more entertaining and self soothing to make jest at something that we never bothered to understand? To poke fun at those "silly radical Christians" with their darn fundamentalist ideals and shake our fists at them trying to proselytize everybody. Does it swell our chests out, and make us feel intellectually superior to hide behind our computers and phones while throwing rocks at people that hold fast and believe in something that we can't wrap our minds around, because it doesn't fit into our box of comfort and control. I promise if you want to hide something from somebody...put it in a book!
The blood moons have been linked with the progress and prophetic fufillment of ISRAEL!!! Every time there have been 4 blood moons (lunar eclipses) in a year (which fall on Holy Jewish holidays)...There has been a significant Biblical prophesy fulfilled for ISRAEL within a year!!! Remind you, this will not happen again for another 500 years! In THIS generation Israel has fulfilled Biblical prophesy by:
1949/1950- Jews came out of exile from all over the world...As Israel was once again acknowledged as its own nation after 2000 YEARS!!
1967/1968- After the 6 day war...The city of Jerusalem (the Jewish holy city) was restored to Israel as its capitol city.
Now we have 2014/2015- most believe that it will be the restoration of the Holy temple. (Possibly in response to the Gog/Maygog war-Modern day Russia, Iran, Ethiopia, Algeria, &Turkey coming against Israel)-Ezekiel 38. If you have paid attention to the media...These countries are now aligned...and hate Israel. All prophesied over 2500 years ago. This war could happen any day. Funds for the temple restoration have been raised and held in trust for decades.
How does that play into the end times? It does, because it has all been prophesied that these things must happen (In ONE generation) before the end (in addition to anti-semitism, division of Israel's land (I.e. "Land for Peace"), moral decline, certain technological advances, wars/rumors of wars, plagues, earthquakes...etc. in that same generation)
...but, no one predicted that the moon would indicate that Jesus was coming back last night. I agree that the Bible does indicate that no man knows the day or the time...Jesus will come back like a thief in the night for unbelievers because they don't know (or care) about what to look for.
However, we DO know the season and the signs-its all written in the Bible. God has not left us without any warning, comfort, or direction. What happens in Israel are direct indications of the season that we are living in. Which according to the Bible...are the end times. The question is, are you ready?
‪#‎beready‬ ‪#‎beprepared‬ ‪#‎restinHislove‬ ‪#‎Godisincontrol‬ ‪#‎pursueGod‬‪#‎loveGod‬ ‪#‎diedaily‬ ‪#‎beholy‬ ‪#‎seekGodfirst‬ ‪#‎happygirljj‬ ‪#‎noworries‬


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