I pray.
I obey.
I pray.
I obey.
I pray.
I obey.
One step at a time.
One moment at a time.
Sometimes, I'm over the moon, and if life got any better- I might implode.
Or sometimes, (like now) the going ain't easy...I'm being stretched to the max, and I am more conscious of my leaning on the Father for every step, word, breath, blink, heartbeat...simply just to "be", more than usual.
I obey.
I pray.
I obey.
I pray.
I obey.
One step at a time.
One moment at a time.
Sometimes, I'm over the moon, and if life got any better- I might implode.
Or sometimes, (like now) the going ain't easy...I'm being stretched to the max, and I am more conscious of my leaning on the Father for every step, word, breath, blink, heartbeat...simply just to "be", more than usual.
You know it's almost like the baby who's learning to take steps...she takes two or three steps, and she's excited (everyone is) and she gets overly confident and tries to run without holding her Fathers hand...then she falls...hard. Shes stunned. She hurts. she cries... But, her loving father doesn't scold her. Rather he smiles. He just picks her up, and dusts her off. Kisses her on the forehead and takes her hand...she begins to walk again.
Trust in Him in all your ways, lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. (Make your paths straight.) #imsothere #skinnedkneesandall #cantworrybouttomorrow#justgottagetthroughtoday #happygirljj #40daystofreedom #goditrustyou#blessingscoming
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