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Showing posts with the label Autism

Jj's Year of Coming Of Age- Day 150 - Spillin' the Tea- Part 2- What is this Aspen Burger's Stuff You Say You've Got? (A-H)

"When you die, others who think they know you, will concoct things about you...Better pick up a pen and write it yourself, for you know yourself best." -Sholom Aleichem I know that there's alot of you out there asking- what is this Asperger's?  It's basically social autism. In my case (each person deals with different symptoms in their own unique way) Here's a "proper" explanation from one of my favorite blogs, Aspergiangal- What is Aspergers?   I'm not Napoleon Dynomite, or Rainmain...I'm not some genius kick ass assasin like Ben Affleck on the movie 'The Accountant' either...I'm just me...Some of my traits are like superpowers...they give me extra cool abilities...while others are just a pain in the glutes. I'll start with the negative and finish up with all of my Aspie Wonder Woman superdom...for ME, some symptoms of Asperger's are: A.  I don't make eye contact (well, I've learned to, but I don&

JJ's Year of Coming of Age Day 60: With a Little Help From My Friends...I Managed to Not Kill Myself.

"The wonder years??  Yeah, it's a wonder that I made it through them at all"   - Jj Thames 1993-1996 (Middle School) I was a honor student. The student government Vice President. The starting center on the varsity basketball team. Award winning member of the choir (show choir, solo ensemble, city and state choirs, etc.) I figure skated, modeled, was on a dance team, took piano lessons, and entered talent shows. I won tons of awards and received numerous certificates for creative writing, community service, other sports, and organizations... There are tons of pictures of me smiling and being a normal, well rounded, upper middle class suburban kid. But, I wasn't. I was lonely, bullied, experiencing social anxiety, feeling ugly, misunderstood, left out, depressed, and ultimately suicidal. By 12 years old...I had already experienced mental, emotional, and sexual 13, I had attempted suicide 3 times. In 7th grade, I mostly spent all of my time