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JJ'S YEAR OF DESTINY DAY 4- They Towed My Baby

"I want my music to be the soundtrack streaming under people's real everyday lives." -jj thames."

I know ya'll have heard me say it a bazillion times now...but, my upcoming record is AMAZING!!! My band is AMAZING!! My label is AMAZING! My team is AMAZING! I am soooo very blessed. Truly, I do live a charmed life. It wasn't always that way...matter fact, my life was pretty crappy for a long time. Many things that happened to me weren't my fault. And, then there were the things that I was just plain ol' stupid, made HORRIBLE decisions, and deserved every bit of what I got.

That's why I can write songs that people love, understand, and relate to. Cuz, I have lived a life that has been full of drama. drama. drama. I wouldn't change a thing though. Every painful experience only heightened my sensitivity to joy. When something good happens (and it does ALOT) I feel it deeper. My soul leaps, spins, and flips...My smile is genuine...I don't know that I would ever truly know real happiness if I hadn't known the depths of depression, anger, hopelessness, and despair.
Even when bad things are happening (like my car being towed from a nightclub last night, tying up my ENTIRE morning and costing me 260 fragginewton bloody doggoned dollars...deep breath* Can you say RAPE!!!???) I still was smiling, and laughing-strangely enough I was at peace. Irritated, but... comforted by the fact that I got my car back...and I know that at my show tonight, I am going to be working with some of my favorite guys in the whole world, and will use my emotions to sing my entire face off. (and will be sure to park somewhere that when I come out from my gig, my car will still be present and accounted for- rolling eyes*) Moreover- I wrote a song about, what cost me $260...potentially will make me thousands...shrug* Thanks bloodsucking tow company! I'll be sure to NOT mention you in my CD liner notes...
Thinking back 3 years ago...I wrote my hit from my last record, "Tell You What I Know" (which hit #1 on the BILLBOARD Hot Single Sales Chart) while I was living in a shelter with my two boys. I actually got kicked out of that shelter because I home schooled my oldest kid, and wouldn't immunize the other (I had another little boy that died from side affects of immunizations)...long story...another time. But, had I not experienced the hard times, I would not have been able to write that song. It's always amazing to me...humbling... when someone tells me that my music has gotten them through hard times, or helped to renew their hope and faith coming out of a tragedy. For makes what I do all worth it. It's what gives my career, my life...purpose. Did I mention, I can't WAIT for ya'll to hear this next record???!!! ‪#‎stoked‬
Music should be relate able...It should be should be real. It should be something that the artist can sing and sell...because, it's personal and felt. iI don't sing about anything that I don't know about.
I guess my thought for the day is...Take joy in your trials, tribulations....hard times... it makes you stronger, it makes you better, it makes you patient...It builds character...and who knows, you might write one heck of a song, and it could make you millions. wink*
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." James 1:2-4


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