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JJ's YEAR OF DESTINY- DAY 8- Get 'Er Dunn!

Everyday's a holiday- jj thames. 

Them: Hey ya doin?
Me: Everyday's a*
Them: I guess...twisted lips*..eyebrow raised*

When I greet people, this is usually my response...even when my world is seemingly crumbling around me-my answer very seldom changes...I may not have done some...scratch that...A WHOLE HEAP of things right...but, one thing that I did knock out of the ballpark was relentlessly followed my dream to be a recording artist...All of the blood, sweat, and tears are finally paying off...and I LOVE MY LIFE.  EVERYDAY IS A HOLIDAY!!! (pick one)

This won't be a long post...I have to go sing in a, I'll make my ramblings concise...
-bottom the life you love, and love the life you live! 

Are you miserable at that 7-3, 8-4, 9-5?? or whatever increments of time that you are required to work? Do you live for the weekend?? There is a life that you can live where EVERY SINGLE wake up, and feel like its a holiday. Not because you get to eat a whole fried turkey, a slab of ribs, a vat of greens, and half of Patti's Sweet Potato Pie (I couldn't resist), unbutton your pants, and become a vegetable in front of the tv. But, because waking up in the morning is like Christmas when you were a kid, and you can't WAIT to get under that tree and see what gifts your parents slaved for to put there and gave Santa credit for. (funny story...I got kicked out of my pre-school holiday party, and had to sit in the principals office- because I traumatized the other kids by insisting that Santa didn't exist...I had logical proof too. (my parents never sold me the fairy tale...I guess they wanted credit for their busting their patooties to buy me that lite bright, Kid Sister, and Nintendo- I don't blame them. Sorry for popping your proverbial North Pole bubble kiddos! But, I digress...)You can wake up with your eyes twinkling because everyday is filled with purpose, and joy of walking out your dreams, purpose, and callings. 

"Oh, JJ...that's not for just got lucky.." they say! Well, I say...Hog Maws!! (In my world, that is a cuss word, as I do not dine on the swine :-) ) You can do anything you set your mind to! You can be ANYTHING you want to be! You don't not have to live a life that you dread Monday through Thursday, and only get some pep in your step on Friday and Saturday...feeling a little forlorn on Sunday cuz you know what the next day brings...YOU CAN LIVE THE LIFE THAT YOU DREAM OF!! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! 

I am not going to give you "JJ's 10 steps to success" or post a link where you can buy my secrets for $99.95 or anything...I'ma give you this one for Free .99! You ready for this (looks both ways* leans in close*)

 DREAM IT! WRITE IT DOWN! PLAN IT OUT! AND DO IT!! and keep doing it...til it's done....repeat til you die. 

That simple...

Make everyday a living a life that you LOVE, and can't wait to get up and see what gifts God has under the tree for you everyday! Where your real life dream wakes you up, instead of an alarm...Start today! I believe in you! You can do it! wink*
#tellyouwhatiknow #dreambig #itsnevertolate #mydaddytaughtmethat #hesaboss #ilovemylife #happygirljj #countyourblessings #purposedrivenlife #rickwarren #readit 

"And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." Habakkuk 2:2-3


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