The Promised Land is so grand- full of dynamic purpose, hope and destiny. Unfortunately, some people just can't matter how badly you want them to...they don't want it badly enough for themselves. They willingly close their eyes to the vision of freedom and prosperity. They'd rather continue grumbling, complaining, and wandering in the desert. Don't fight their right to be mediocre. Keep marching forward. Take hold of your amazing future! -jj thames. This time last year, I was saying my vows, and looking deep into my new husband's eyes...promising to love, cherish and honor him for the rest of my life. We slow danced, ate cake,had an amazing gourmet brunch- maybe a couple too many mimosas, and retired to our beautiful suite at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis. My heart was full of joy and hope for the future. This year, Instead of laying on the white sandy beach in the Bahamas soaking in the sunshine and beautiful cerulean water, like we were supposed to b...