Be fruitful right where you are. Take what God has given you, and make the best of it. Sow a seed in your time of need. The more that you think about your problems...The bigger they will become. Be faithful in the wilderness, and when it's time for you to go into the promised land, you'll be ready. Stop renting out space in your mind to negative thoughts. Be the person of excellence that God has called you to be... no matter how people treat you. Be fruitful in the midst of affliction, in spite of the affliction...and God will bring you through the affliction. Don't waste another minute being depressed and defeated. Do the right thing..even though the wrong thing has happened to you. Go help somebody else in need. God turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends. #prayerworks #passthetest #bestillandknowiamgod#noworries #wisdom #refinement #growth #diligence #thesecretplace#revival #noagendajustjesus
"You don't know how "one" you've really become- until you're ripped apart. Divorce is of the devil... I wish it on no one...ever." -jj thames. Not in the mood to face the world today. so I won't. my bed is my solace... listening to my new record, tightening up arrangements, listening for more possibilities- soothes my angst. this divorce stuff irks my soul... one or two days- I barely think about it. next day...I feel like I've been hit by a bullet train at maximum speed- and just want to lay in my darkened bedroom and look at the ceiling. No tmusic, no TV...just bed...and the ceiling. Sleep usually eventually welcomes me. But, then there's the dreams- and waking again to the pain. I feel like a part of me has died. It's a strange kind of pain... its a numbing abiding an irritating itch deep in your soul that you really have no kind of way to scratch. You just have to talk about it, and su...
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