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Showing posts from March, 2017

Jj's Year of Coming Of Age: Day 152- Spillin' the Tea -Part 3- Chronicles of the Sidechick Wife...Not a Typo.

livid, adj . [Screw] you for cheating on me. [Screw] you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term cheating , anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought liar was too harsh. Someone who thought devastator was too emotional. The same person who thought, oops, he's gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar . [Screw] you. This isn't about slipping yourself an extra twenty dollars of Monopoly money. These are our lives. You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned" -David Levithan, The Lover's Dictionary I'm gonna get back to my Asperger's list tomorrow...but, I had something really interesting happen today...and I want to talk to ya'll about it... I've got a question for you... "Would you stay with your man if he cheated on you, and a baby was conce...

Jj's Year of Coming Of Age- Day 150 - Spillin' the Tea- Part 2- What is this Aspen Burger's Stuff You Say You've Got? (A-H)

"When you die, others who think they know you, will concoct things about you...Better pick up a pen and write it yourself, for you know yourself best." -Sholom Aleichem I know that there's alot of you out there asking- what is this Asperger's?  It's basically social autism. In my case (each person deals with different symptoms in their own unique way) Here's a "proper" explanation from one of my favorite blogs, Aspergiangal- What is Aspergers?   I'm not Napoleon Dynomite, or Rainmain...I'm not some genius kick ass assasin like Ben Affleck on the movie 'The Accountant' either...I'm just me...Some of my traits are like superpowers...they give me extra cool abilities...while others are just a pain in the glutes. I'll start with the negative and finish up with all of my Aspie Wonder Woman superdom...for ME, some symptoms of Asperger's are: A.  I don't make eye contact (well, I've learned to, but I don...

JJ's Year of Coming of Age: Day- 149 - Life is Like a Box of Chocolates...I'm Gonna Fight for the Turtles. (I Like Turtles)

"Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends." -Aberjhani you have to...must got to...please need should...dire imperative burden heavy... pertinent...can..will...shall... believe in yourself... There's going to be wolves... there's going to be demons... there's going to be haters... that will all tell you that you aren't good enough that you can't do it without whatever you seem to be missing at the moment... that you aren't enough... they will sneer at you...they will envy you...they will even hate you... then smile in your face, and then there's you... wishing for others' sparkly "dazzling thing-a-mabob" or "gee-whiz wallah-kazam" that you've convinced yourself that if only you'd be so much farther, much better... struggling to keep your eyes on your own the anxiety riddled 4.0 student that doubts her answer on a much to los...

JJ's Coming of Age- Day 143- Spillin the Tea Part 1.- Grieving...and Nobody Died. Well...I did...Sortof.

"Grief is in two parts.  The first is loss.  The second is the remaking of life." -Anne Roiphe I'll be honest ( as usual) and say that I don't even know where to start this entry...*deep breath* I mean...okay... So, I'm kinda new to this whole blogging thing, and like my unconventional and sometimes extremely spontaneous self, just started writing and figured that I would figure out all of the ins and outs later. I guess today was later...because I JUST learned that  I needed to put labels on my posts so...*drumroll please* people could actually discover my blog! *ba dum ching* Don't judge don't know my life. lol. Anyhoo...there's a point to this story...Today for the first time, I had to go back over almost 2 years of posts so that I could add labels. Of course to add proper labels, I had to read my previous thoughts, confessions, and the like...and boy..,did I feel...naked! Not ashamed...but, just really exposed...not to ya'...

Jj's Year of Coming of Age- Day 137- The Smell and Taste of Meat has Begun to Make Me Gag...Again...and No...I'm Not Pregnant.

"I think of dieting, then I eat pizza." - Lara Stone Welp! 1 month left before my completely vegan life begins...(or resumes...depending on how you look at it).  I'm slowly eradicating animal products from my's funny how things come back around full circle...I started eating meat and dairy at 17 by my doctors advice (pregnancy with my 1st son)...I wouldn't agree to that advice now...but, now at 34...I'm done having babies, and I'm finding  myself going back to my original diet. My mother began a vegan lifestyle when she was in her early 20s because of cancer markers. She actually beat cancer twice with natural treatment...So...I grew up with certain dietary restrictions and being taught about food and it's relation to our overall well being. I've never eaten pork or shellfish...but, beef, freshwater fish, and chicken did become a part of my diet. Fortunately, I have been blessed to not have ever experienced any health problems. H...