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You Ma'am Are An Idiot.

idiot sa·vant
\ˈē-ˌdyō-sä-ˈväⁿ, or same as idiot and for respective sing and plural forms\noun
plural idiots savants \-ˌdyō-sä-ˈväⁿ(z)\ or idiot savants \-ˈväⁿ(z)\
:a person affected with a mental disability (as autism or mental retardation) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (as mathematics or music) —called alsosavant
:a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else
Once upon a time I dated a guy who got frustrated by the way that my friendships tended to go with people. We argued about it quite frequently.
I gave...they took...
I was left without...they took some more.
When I was down and out...they disappeared.
When they wanted something that they felt that I could provide...they reappeared and the cycle started all over again...
All along...I tried to understand their situation...tried to treat them the way I would want someone to treat me....and continued to called them "friend."
In exasperation, one day he called me an idiot savant. He said that I was a brilliant artist and writer...but, when it came to social relationships...I was clueless...considering that I didn't know what an "idiot savant" was...I didn't say much back to him right then and there. (And promptly went to go look it up)
When I read the above definition...My feelings were deeply hurt. We eventually went our separate ways...
But, I never forgot his statement.
While I AM well able to do anything that I put my mind to, and I reject any claim of mental retardation... As time has gone by...I HAVE seen his point about the social aspects of my life, and my lack of seeing the snake before it bites me...After many disappointments, heartaches, and nights of crying myself to sleep- I decided enough is enough. But, I still wasn't sure what all needed to change or how...
See... I had learned that being a lover of mankind, wanting Christ to be seen in your actions and loving your enemy...does NOT mean that you allow people to treat you like asphalt and stomp all over you.
Forgiving someone also does not automatically mean instant reconciliation either. (I once had a friend who had me set up and car jacked at gun point...I forgave her...and continued to hang out with her...Needless to say...THAT didn't end well...I'll spare you the details...but just know that we are no longer friends.)
I must admit...I have no worldly knowledge to draw upon to settle this issue in my mind. Some say that you must look for numero uno (yourself) and I don't ascribe to that because that's selfish, self centered, and not a true exhibition of love...Jesus didnt just look out for Himself...If He did...none of us would have any hope. So that's not the answer.
Some say...only love those who love you...again, that brings us back to selfishness, self righteousness, and manipulation. How can you receive love...lest you give it? That midset leads us to be critical, assuming, cold hearted, and always in a state of positioning-in a self protective stance. Its performance based relationship...when we are really called to one that is grace based. That's not a lifestyle based on love. Also, not one I want to lead.
This whole situation has left me in a quandary. So...I just prayed about it. The scripture that came to me was:
Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
When it comes to relating with people...there is no one size fits all way to do so. Every situation is different. There is a bigger picture when it comes to relationships than meets the eye. They are to refine you, challenge you and grow you up. That person that talks too much, gets on your nerves, is clumsy and always embarasses you, may not be the snazziest dresser, or is always unhappy and complaining might be a person that you are supposed to be praying for, and be blessing to. They could be the person that will help you grow and develop and qualify for the next place in your destiny. They could end up being the best and most faithful and fulfilling friend that will last you a lifetime.
But you'll never know...because your eyes aren't on loving and being a blessing to and for someone else...but, only on what that person can do, be to and for you. Don't get me wrong...There are people who really mean you no good. But, how do you know that right off? You dont position and manipulate to find out...You pray...
God will lead you in everything! He will give you wisdom about every person you come across...The best thing to ask is "is this person supposed to be in my life?" And, "In what capacity is this person supposed to be in my life?" And then LISTEN! The Holy Spirit will never lead you wrong...


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