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I Ain't Perfect...

" NOT going to sin is going to be a great day."
9:03am-I sinned*
"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!
What's wrong with me???
Why can't I get it right?
Why am I such a mess up?
It's hopeless...I want to do right...I just dont. God could never be happy with me...maybe I'm just not capable of living upright for God. Am I cursed?"
Once upon a time, this was my internal conversation when I would read scriptures like 2 Chronicles 16:9
that basically states that: God looks for those whose hearts are perfect or blameless toward Him. My heart was a garbage dump, and I knew it, and my life was a cesspool of sin. I was anything but what I thought was "perfect and blameless." I felt like a failure...and didn't know how to fix it. The more I tried to be "perfect" the more messed up I was. I was miserable. Kinda like Paul was... (read Romans 7:15-25)
That was until I learned what a "blameless and perfect heart" really was...When I set me free. Afterall, right believing...leads to right living. In all your getting...get an understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
What does it mean to have a perfect or blameless heart? Well...I can start out with what it DOESN'T does NOT mean to "perform" perfectly (thank God); it means to have a heartfelt desire to do right and to please God. It means that you walk after the Spirit (depending on God) and not after the flesh (depending on yourself).
People who have a perfect heart truly love God, though themselves might not be perfect. They may still have things in their flesh to deal with (both my hands raised). They may say things that they should not say, make mistakes or lose tempers. But WHEN they do, they are QUICK to repent and make things right with God again, if they have offended someone, they will humble themselves and apologize.
If we have perfect hearts toward God, he counts us as perfect and works with us while that perfection becomes more and more real in our lives. There are many people with right hearts, and those are the ones God uses...keep working on things you need to work on in your life, and while you are at it. Keep a perfect heart towards God. (Depending on Him...not on you.)
When you fail (and you will) that does not mean that you are a failure. It simply means that you dont do everything right. We all have to accept the fact that we have strengths along with weaknesses;let Him be your Strength on your weak days. If you are waiting for the victory in an area and you haven't yet seen it, rather than feeling condemned about it, be patient. Do not receive condemnation; walk in the spirit. (Depend on God) THATS what makes your heart perfect! ‪#‎workinprogress‬‪#‎keeponkeepinon‬ ‪#‎ishallnotbemoved‬ ‪#‎hisgraceissufficient‬ ‪#‎happygirljj‬‪#‎ohhowhelovesyouandme‬ ‪#‎ainthegood‬
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth to show Himself strong on the behalf of those whose hearts are blameless towards Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9
"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1


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