There is safety and a blessing in God's "NO!" I wanted God to change my situation...but God wanted my situation to change me...The outcome may not look good...but God IS good...and He knows how to put you where you are supposed to be...and work it all together FOR your good.
I learned to not fight the not let the pain push me to despair but, to my knees. I chose to trust and work WITH God...I embraced the jacked up circumstance, and learned to stay in peace. To take my anguish to His throne...To seek God and His ways with ALL my heart. To learn to see myself as He sees me...more than a conqueror. A mighty woman of valor. More precious than rubies. Made in His image. To be loved, cherished, honored...treated as the precious priceless gem that I am.
If we work with him, seeking Him with all our might...not seeking the "miracle"...or the "fix"...but HIM...not the "gift" but the "giver" or the "way", but the "waymaker", not the "prince" but the "King of Kings" we will come out refined and more valuable, and stronger.... My struggle destroyed and burned off the impurities in my character. It was meant to destroy ME...but I came out better. The situation will not leave you broken, scarred or defeated....but it WILL burn off and decimate anything that is not Gods best for your life.
God never writes us off...He hasn't forgotten about us. The threshing floor-we may not like it. We may be uncomfortable but it will prepare us for our destiny that God has for us. God puts us in seemingly impossible situations to separate us from what limits us. He wants us to be like Him- limitless.
My fear and intimidation are gone. My gifts are stirred and I've heard God speaking faith into my life. Showing me the brilliance of my future. The threshing floor Is never meant to be permanant...and I have come out...I've shaken off disappointment, low expectations, anger, bitterness, resentment and the memory of hurts. It's time to take what belongs to me...and I shall have it ALL!! #putonyourSONshades #myfuturessobright #newrecord2016#icanshowyoubetterthanicantellyou #dechamprecords #jjthamesmusic#stronger #ilovemylife #Goditrustyou #happygirljj #watchme
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