idiot sa·vant \ˈē-ˌdyō-sä-ˈväⁿ, or same as idiot and for respective sing and plural forms\noun plural idiots savants \-ˌdyō-sä-ˈväⁿ(z)\ or idiot savants \-ˈväⁿ(z)\ 1 :a person affected with a mental disability (as autism or mental retardation) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (as mathematics or music) —called alsosavant 2 :a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else Once upon a time I dated a guy who got frustrated by the way that my friendships tended to go with people. We argued about it quite frequently. I gave...they took... I was left without...they took some more. When I was down and out...they disappeared. When they wanted something that they felt that I could provide...they reappeared and the cycle started all over again... All along...I tried to understand their situation...tried to treat them the way I would want someone to treat me....and continued to called them "friend....