"The worst part of success
is trying to find someone who is happy for you."
-Bette Midler
An open letter to my "Number One" Fan:
*clears throat* *sips tea...literally*

Sooo...It's 5am...and I'm still up working...but, I took a break to just look at my schedule...and I found myself a little choked up...I mean...I've had lights cut off (water too)...been evicted...had cars (CARS...plural) repoed, been hungry...slept on trains, been homeless, washed up in sinks, slept in houses with rats and roaches,and busted windows, couch surfed, busked for money, I've been robbed (at gunpoint) after doing a show that was going to get me and my family out of an extended stay hotel and into our own house...and slept on a stranger's couch for a month until I could make it all back. I've been taken advantage of, lied to, worked over, hustled, cheated, stolen from...worked 5 jobs at once, been fired a few times...and hired more times than a little bit, and still not been able to keep it all together...straight busted and disgusted...(If you don't believe me...I have folks on here that I can tag that can tell you the story...Cuz they were there!)
but...I kept pushing...I cried it out. I grit my teeth and I kept dreaming...I kept praying...I kept believing...and I kept pushing...and pushing...and pushing! And now...thanks to my amazing team (who works so relentlessly hard <3)...I've been just sitting and looking at my schedule...with a stupid smile on my face...every time my agent adds another date...I sit and look at in black and white for a few seconds, and savor what it feels like...(okay...so I look at it multiple times for a few seconds each) I did the same thing the first time I saw my name on the Billboard and Roots Music charts, My name on the Grammy ballot, my mug on the front of somebody's magazine, saw somebody wearing my shirt, or heard somebody singing lyrics that I wrote, saw my video on BET, and heard my song on the radio...just this same silly smile...

Now, my band and I are playing Jackson MS, Atlanta, Destin Beach, Vegas, Portland, NYC, San Francisco, Phoenix, San Luis Obispo, Seattle, Arcadia CA, Memphis, San Antonio, Austin, St Louis, Ocean Springs MS, Tallahassee, Chicago, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada...and MORE all in the next couple of months...And let me tell ya, I cannot WAIT to see you đź’“đź’“đź’“đź’“đź’“...cuz baby...I'ma leave it ALL on that stage...I ain't got NOTHING to gain by being cute...I gotta tell you what I KNOW, and give you summa that RAW SUGAR! I'm coming to your city to relentlessly BRING it...All my life...I had to fight...and I'ma sing my story like there ain't a tomorrow! There is no such thing as a plan B...we gone birth THIS baby!

I regress...I just want to let you know that...I appreciate YOU more than my words could ever really express. I can't find the superlative words to convey exactly how I am feeling right now...(supercalifragilisticexpialidocious does comes to mind)...But, I will try...
See...I have pressed so hard to get to the next level...and now I am almost effortlessly walking right into it...It's just the right season...I'm in the right place...at the right time, and working with the right people that believe in me, and I was prepared...waiting for them to show up...and they did! BOY did they show up!
But, while I was grinding away, spinning my wheels, and looking for my big break, after every heartbreak...each one of YOUR messages of hope, support, and encouragement...has helped to bolster me forward. Every time you have shared a video, liked and commented a post, spent your hard earned money to come support me at a show, brought a friend...told a friend...bought a cd...or a magazine just because I was in it...read my blogs and commented...prayed for me...sent me positive vibes, help uplift me when I went through some of the hardest times of my life...shared your own struggles, so that I would know that I wasn't alone. I noticed...

You were there...and still are...and I thank you. I truly...truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. From the very essence of all of my neurons and the synapses in between...I transmit my gratitude and most humble awe of your love and support. Thank you for listening to me...thank you for growing with me...Thank you for seeing the gift on the inside of me...and giving me the priceless gift of your support. I have the best fans in the whole entire world. But YOU...are a dream come true! I encourage you to also please keep dreaming your own dreams...don't give up...persistence pays off! You make me better! Love you...mean it! đź’•đź’• jj

#TheTakeover #JThamesRevolution #SpreadinLoveAndBlues #GoodVibes #TakingAMomentToEnjoyTheJourney #BackToWork #ILoveMyLife #ImFocusedMan #Thankful #DreamsDoComeTrue #LifeOfGratitude #GratitudeIsBetterWhenItsSpoken #YallThoughThisWasAboutAHaterDidntYou #GotCha #LOL
#ImNoGonnaSpendAWholePostOnAHater #ThatsLikeTakingTimeToWriteSomebodyUpForDoingTheirJob #DoesntMakeAnySense
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
-Proverbs 16:24
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